Fingerprint Analysis – A major milestone for Forensic Science

Photographer, Coroner, Crime Scene, Forensic Science, Protective Glove, Evidence

The technique of fingerprint analysis to link incidents to suspects was a major breakthrough in the forensic landscape in 1880.

Fingerprint analysis resulted from the groundbreaking theory established by Henry Faulds and William James Herschel from the uniqueness of fingerprints. This study received a huge support from experts all over the world and was later accepted as a crucial evidence in the legal system.

The ancient Chinese used fingerprint analysis for the identification of business documents.

It was Francis Galton and Edward Henry who actually implemented Herschel’s fingerprinting practices in criminal investigations. Sir Francis Galton started the first system for classifying fingerprints.

Sir Edward Henry, the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police of London, used the direction, flow, pattern and other characteristics in fingerprints to develop his own system of fingerprint analysis.

Now, the Henry Classification System is the standard for criminal fingerprint analysis techniques worldwide.

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